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தமிழ் பேசுவோம்! | Let's Speak Tamil!
Community Zoom Calls
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Discover Your Potential

Beyond family there might not be many opportunities for you to engage in Tamil conversations. Imagine the improvement (and lasting retention) you can achieve by conversing in Tamil with others.

Join our diverse global community, where individuals of all proficiency levels, from beginners to fluent speakers, come together to improve, discuss, and connect through the Tamil.

Why Should I Join The Community?

Complimentary Community Zoom Calls

Improve your Tamil while exploring the Tamil language, heritage & history

Presentations & Discussions

Exclusive Members Group

Game Nights 

Exposure to Different Dialects

Language Exercises & Challenges

Community Hang Outs

Frequently Asked Questions:

I already can speak Tamil, can I come? 

A: Yes! Many people do not have anyone to practise Tamil with outside of their parents. This space was created to give people a place to practise while learning, discussing and connecting with Tamil. This is not a Tamil class, we have a range of sessions for our community about Tamil history, heritage, language. 


Do I need to pay?

A: These are free calls. A one-time contribution to support this initiative would be greatly appreciated. PayPal.Me/wymitc  

Are there different sessions for different language levels?

A: Calls have a range of participants at different language levels. Call Descriptions may help guide which sessions to attend.

When are the community calls?

A: Calls are on Saturdays either at 1:30pm (Toronto Time) or 9:30pm (Toronto Time)

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